A the rails to a far away land
She sits alone awaiting her flight
Flight from servitude, flight from the roller coaster.
Over vast expanse of water cleansing her heart.
Her mind ponders the depths of the sea and the limitless ceiling of the sky.
Will he keep the two pressures from crushing her?
Will he allow an exchange of heart, an exchange of love.
An unknown existence yet experienced for either of them.
The new land slowly approaches under her feet unsure whether or not to touch down on uncharted territory.
His arms and heart are open but will she embrace him.
He comes closer as she readies to land and she smiles to him.
Returning her smile he shows his heart without fear, without hesitation.
Will she jump into his arms forever leaving behind someone who was never.
Time stops as they touch and space empty’s of apprehension.
A verse they both share in unity, a universe.